No one wants to think of their parents needing care, but more than 400,000 people currently live in a care home and 1000’s get help with day to day care in their own home.

Attendance Allowance

This is money the Government give to people over 65 years of age to pay towards care in the home. Your parent can use it to pay for a gardener, a cleaner or for support with personal care needs, meals or shopping.

NHS funding

If your parent is very ill and needs 24 hour nursing care, they may get all their nursing home fees paid for through NHS continuing healthcare funding. In order to get it, your parent will be assessed and have to meet the criteria of the assessment.  Families can find applying for NHS continuing health care a nightmare, but I can help with advice and information when you need it.

NHS contributions

If your parent doesn’t qualify, they may still get some money towards care home fees if they are in a nursing home. The NHS could contribute to nursing costs at a flat rate of £183.92 (lower rate) to £248.06 (higher rate) a week, and this is available in the UK (apart form Scotland which has its’ own system).

The council will pay towards someone’s care if they don’t have much money saved or any other capitol. Capitol can include investments and their home.

If their husband, wife or partner still live there, or a close relative over the age of 60 years, the value of the home is discounted. So, for example, if your dad needed care but your mum was still living in the family home, the home’s value wouldn’t be taken into consideration. If your dad lived alone and owned his home, its’ value would be taken into account.

Social Services funding

If your parent has less than £14.250 the council will pay toward their care. Any eligible income such as pension or other income your parent has will be put towards their care costs and they’ll be left with £25.00 personal spending money per week.

If your parent has between £14,250 – £23,250, the council will fund some care and expect him to contribute the rest from his income/savings.

If the care home is more expensive than the council’s upper rate (different councils apply these rules differently) you may be asked to contribute towards your parent’s care home fees. This is called a ‘top up.’ Family are expected to pay for the top up, no the cared for person.

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