Caring for a loved one is a difficult job. Caring for a loved one in cold, snowy or rainy weather can be even harder. We have compiled some of our best tips for looking after your loved one to help you through this Winter.
- Wrap up warm, layers, layers, layers!
- Always accompany your loved ones if they need to go out in the snow
- Make sure they are wearing appropriate clothing for the weather and have any support required to keep their balance when they go outdoors
- Put the heating on to keep the temperature up
- Grit their driveway and a path for them in the garden if they use it
- Offer to run any errands for them outdoors while the weather is worse
- If in doubt, don’t go out
It’s sometimes easier said than done to put the heating on, we know that the prices are sky high and many families are having to make some difficult decisions.
If you would like some help for you or your loved one in finding the best deal for your bills, we have used and can recommend Sue Murphy from UW. She used to be a Neonatal Intensive Care Nurse and has a gentle and non-salesy approach to working with customers. She would be more than happy to chat to you, or a loved one about whether she can save you some money on your bills. You can find her details below.
We hope these tips are helpful this Winter and can prevent discomfort and any trips or falls. If you are concerned about your loved one receiving the appropriate level of support, or are struggling to manage, please feel free to get in touch with us, we would love to help.
Sue Murphy